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Dental Aesthetics

Dental aesthetics is a dental specialty that is responsible for bringing harmony and beauty to the smile through different minimally invasive techniques.

Advantages of Teeth Whitening


 Dental aesthetic treatment that consists of lightening the color of tooth enamel by several shades through the action of a bleaching agent such as hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide.


En Servans, tenemos diferentes tipos de blanqueamiento obteniendo resultados desde la primera sesión. Una sesión de 45 minutos es

suficiente en el 80% de los casos.

Blanqueamiento Dental ZOOM! de Philips (en clínica):

Es el procedimiento de blanqueamiento dental más

avanzado, clínicamente probado, seguro, eficaz y

rápido. En una cita puede blanquear sus dientes. es

ideal para aquellos que busquen resultados inmediatos.

Blanqueamiento Dental ZOOM de Phillips (Domiciliario)

El blanqueamiento dental Philips ZOOM! NiteWhite® es el

tratamiento estético más económico y cómodo ya que

podrás blanquear tus dientes mientras duermes.

Blanqueamiento dental ZOOM de Phillips (Combinado)

El blanqueamiento combinado, o mixto, es la combinación perfecta para lograr los mejores resultados ya que consiste en un blanqueamiento en clínica con luz LED y un refuerzo para utilizar durante la noche.

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Oral hygiene

Change of restorations in poor condition.


Ancla 1
  • Does it hurt to get an implant?
    Dental implants are a complex process, but not painful. The intervention is performed under local anesthesia, so the area is numb and you only notice more than a slight pressure.
  • If I get dental implants, will I be able to chew well?
    Chewing with dental implants is just as effective as with your natural teeth. An implant allows you to chew and grind food just as well as the rest of your teeth. They don't move.
  • What other options are there?
    To solve the problem of missing teeth, there are different options as an alternative to dental implants: Bridge: it is a type of fixed prosthesis that rests on the natural teeth adjacent to the missing piece. Removable prostheses: this type of prosthesis, known colloquially as false teeth, is removable and, although it is a cheaper treatment, it is of lower quality than implants.
  • How is the postoperative period of dental implants?
    The postoperative period of dental implants is quite simple, although the recommendations of our dentists must be followed to the letter. First of all, you should avoid eating with the operated area at least during the first days after the operation. In addition, the first hours will have to apply local cold to reduce inflammation. Finally, it is recommended to avoid tobacco, alcohol and very strong foods such as spicy or acidic foods that can irritate the area where the dental implant has been placed.

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